I've had to stop with the 365. I simply don't have time. Being out the house for almost 12 hours a day, trying to keep fit and still cook a "proper" dinner in the evening is leaving with very little time. I barely have time to complete the challenges I set for my Flickr group, never mind anything else.
I am kicking myself for not being able to do it but the photos were substandard and I wasn't happy with them. I am going to do it but I'll probably start in September again and use it as a break from studying.
Till then, I have only 18 weeks to get fit for a wedding - not my wedding (thankfully!), but the boyfriend's brother's wedding. I hate having my photo taken and the last thing I want to do is look like a whale in the pics so I'm going to work really hard at eating the right kind of food, rather than the carb based diet I've had recently.
Till the start of the new 365, I'll use this blog to post other photos and maybe some writing - if I ever get round to it, as that's something that I haven't done for ages, again due to time constraints! :o)
Monday, 15 March 2010
Monday, 1 March 2010
365 - Catch up!
It's been a while so a quick catch up of the 365. It's proving harder than I thought because I don't seem to have time to actually think too hard about the shots, however, I will try harder!
Don't forget, if you want to see a bigger version, just click on the photo and it'll take you to my Flickr page....
22nd Feb - Waiting for the bus, it started to snow (again) but the sun was painting the clouds with a lovely reddish hue. This didn't capture it. :))

23rd Feb - On the way into work, between buses. There was a little patch of ground undisturbed by people but it looked like the birds had been taking part in a waltz!

24th Feb - Nom Nom Nom. Sometimes, just sometimes, nothing else will do. I have gone for months without eating Quavers but then all of a sudden, I MUST have them. The 24th was one of those days!

25th Feb - Wall at Work. I like to print my photos up and I stuck them up at work to make the office a little brighter!

26th Feb - Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. One of the first shots I took on Friday - I haven't had time to look at the rest properly but will soon.
Don't forget, if you want to see a bigger version, just click on the photo and it'll take you to my Flickr page....
22nd Feb - Waiting for the bus, it started to snow (again) but the sun was painting the clouds with a lovely reddish hue. This didn't capture it. :))
23rd Feb - On the way into work, between buses. There was a little patch of ground undisturbed by people but it looked like the birds had been taking part in a waltz!
24th Feb - Nom Nom Nom. Sometimes, just sometimes, nothing else will do. I have gone for months without eating Quavers but then all of a sudden, I MUST have them. The 24th was one of those days!
25th Feb - Wall at Work. I like to print my photos up and I stuck them up at work to make the office a little brighter!
26th Feb - Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. One of the first shots I took on Friday - I haven't had time to look at the rest properly but will soon.
Sunday, 21 February 2010
The 365 Challenge - #7 & #8
Yesterday was a trip to Whitehouse Farm just outside Morpeth. We had a brilliant time and James loved feeding the animals. He was especially happy to see the horses and did not seem as put off as the adults by the smell of the pig pen! I haven't looked at all of my shots from yesterday yet but this was one of the early ones and, because it looks like (s)he's smiling, I decided to make it my number 7 in my 365 challenge:-

Today, I've been feeling a bit strange - I just keep coming over really light-headed. So I decided to go for an easy subject - Doris, my begonia. Except it wasn't as easy as I thought. I only realised how rubbish my shots were after it was dark. This is the best I could do with the shots I had:-

Not brilliant but it could be worse - I took a shot of the light coming through the voile on the wooden floor and in theory, it should have been good but the reality was that it was worse than this one!
Today, I've been feeling a bit strange - I just keep coming over really light-headed. So I decided to go for an easy subject - Doris, my begonia. Except it wasn't as easy as I thought. I only realised how rubbish my shots were after it was dark. This is the best I could do with the shots I had:-
Not brilliant but it could be worse - I took a shot of the light coming through the voile on the wooden floor and in theory, it should have been good but the reality was that it was worse than this one!
Saturday, 20 February 2010
The 365 Challenge #5 and #6
When it started snowing outside while I was at work, I quickly took this snap through the window. It's not the best shot out there but I chose it over other shots I had taken that day because it seemed to mean a little more than a random shot of a water cooler...

On the way home yesterday, I got on a bus and realised that it was probably older than I am. Although the bus company had installed cameras on it, the outside was filthy and so was the inside. The windows at the back, where I decided to sit, were covered in scratches, dirt and this....

At least the sky was pretty!
On the way home yesterday, I got on a bus and realised that it was probably older than I am. Although the bus company had installed cameras on it, the outside was filthy and so was the inside. The windows at the back, where I decided to sit, were covered in scratches, dirt and this....
At least the sky was pretty!
Thursday, 18 February 2010
The Digital Economy Bill
Article from CopyrightAction.com
Note: This deals mostly with just the photography element - I know the bill is a lot more complex than this - read the comments also for info re Flickr
I'm not happy with the proposed bill. I'm trying to keep a level head about it but have written to my MP with the template letter and a personal note. I'm still waiting on a response to my letter about asthmatics and prescription charges and I blogged about that a while ago so I'm not holding my breath yet - I think it took almost 5 months to get a response the last time.
I post my photos on Flickr, on here and on another, more personal blog site.
Because of this, I should be easy to contact. On flickr, anyone wanting to use my photos (not that I think it would happen, but as an example...) could set up a flickr account and contact me that way (I keep my yahoo email private). On here, they could set up an account and email me. On Blogger, they could set up an account and email me.
But will they do that? If the email address is not visable, will they just say that they can't contact the owner? I hope not but I could see it happening. And why? Because, from the way I read the bill, it's up to the photographer to first of all find if it's being used or not and if it is, it's up to the photographer to prove that they weren't contacted. And if the photographer does prove ownership, an agency gets a slice of royalties, then the government gets a slice of royalties and finally the photographer gets royalties.
Gordon Brown is probably rubbing his hands at the potential revenue. This is incredibly unfair on anyone who has stood in awful weather conditions, paid for courses and invested time and money in photography.
My photos are MINE. I choose to show them. I don't earn any money off them - I'm not interested in selling them. How dare the government try to introduce a bill which could take my property off me and fatten their coiffers - because that's what it is. I honestly don't think that many companies will bother too hard to find the owner unless it's blatantly obvious who the image belongs to and if they are caught will just go "ooops, silly me".
There are some absolutely amazing photographers on flickr who haven't used the site for a long time but their images are still there. Does this make them orphan works? It shouldn't. They still belong to that person whether you can contact them or not.
It's bad enough getting suspicious looks from people because I have a "professional" camera without this.
I'm sick to death of photography being a battle all the time. As the template letter said, if this were a motor car, this bill is basically saying that if the number plate is missing, it's ok to claim use of it. And if this were a motor car and they tried to pass this bill, they would be laughed at. But because a photo is "just a digital image", they think it doesn't matter.
Well, it matters to me and lots of people like me. They wouldn't do this to songs, they wouldn't do it to paintings, they wouldn't do it to writing, so why do it to photographs? As far as I'm concerned, it's all expressions of creativity and they either introduce this bill for all paintings, books, writing and photos, or for none of them.
(sorry, got a bit ranty towards the end there!)
Note: This deals mostly with just the photography element - I know the bill is a lot more complex than this - read the comments also for info re Flickr
I'm not happy with the proposed bill. I'm trying to keep a level head about it but have written to my MP with the template letter and a personal note. I'm still waiting on a response to my letter about asthmatics and prescription charges and I blogged about that a while ago so I'm not holding my breath yet - I think it took almost 5 months to get a response the last time.
I post my photos on Flickr, on here and on another, more personal blog site.
Because of this, I should be easy to contact. On flickr, anyone wanting to use my photos (not that I think it would happen, but as an example...) could set up a flickr account and contact me that way (I keep my yahoo email private). On here, they could set up an account and email me. On Blogger, they could set up an account and email me.
But will they do that? If the email address is not visable, will they just say that they can't contact the owner? I hope not but I could see it happening. And why? Because, from the way I read the bill, it's up to the photographer to first of all find if it's being used or not and if it is, it's up to the photographer to prove that they weren't contacted. And if the photographer does prove ownership, an agency gets a slice of royalties, then the government gets a slice of royalties and finally the photographer gets royalties.
Gordon Brown is probably rubbing his hands at the potential revenue. This is incredibly unfair on anyone who has stood in awful weather conditions, paid for courses and invested time and money in photography.
My photos are MINE. I choose to show them. I don't earn any money off them - I'm not interested in selling them. How dare the government try to introduce a bill which could take my property off me and fatten their coiffers - because that's what it is. I honestly don't think that many companies will bother too hard to find the owner unless it's blatantly obvious who the image belongs to and if they are caught will just go "ooops, silly me".
There are some absolutely amazing photographers on flickr who haven't used the site for a long time but their images are still there. Does this make them orphan works? It shouldn't. They still belong to that person whether you can contact them or not.
It's bad enough getting suspicious looks from people because I have a "professional" camera without this.
I'm sick to death of photography being a battle all the time. As the template letter said, if this were a motor car, this bill is basically saying that if the number plate is missing, it's ok to claim use of it. And if this were a motor car and they tried to pass this bill, they would be laughed at. But because a photo is "just a digital image", they think it doesn't matter.
Well, it matters to me and lots of people like me. They wouldn't do this to songs, they wouldn't do it to paintings, they wouldn't do it to writing, so why do it to photographs? As far as I'm concerned, it's all expressions of creativity and they either introduce this bill for all paintings, books, writing and photos, or for none of them.
(sorry, got a bit ranty towards the end there!)
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Because I like it :o)
No other reason.
This was taken at the Chinese New Year Celebrations on the 14th Feb 2010 in Newcastle. I was lucky to get this.
Edited as follows:-
GIMP - cropped and levels tweaked.
Photoscape - vignette #1, #2, #3, #4 added. Cross process filter applied. Vignette #1 added again.
chinese new year,
003 and 004 of 365
This first shot was taken yesterday when I was a little rushed off my feet. Yes, it's an orange. I've tried to make it as interesting as possible but it hasn't really worked... :))

This one was taken today on my way to get the bus home. It's in the centre of Newcastle and is a new building that they are finishing off. I wish I could have found something more interesting to take a shot of but that's why this is a challenge!
This one was taken today on my way to get the bus home. It's in the centre of Newcastle and is a new building that they are finishing off. I wish I could have found something more interesting to take a shot of but that's why this is a challenge!
Monday, 15 February 2010
The 365 Challenge #2
I wondered if I could get a shot of my desk that would look alright without me having to tidy and polish it. My desk is always a mess - papers everywhere, scribbled notes, paperclips.... you get the idea. So, I didn't tidy my desk and took a couple of shots hoping for the best. It's not brilliant but it's not as bad as I thought it would be...

Click on the title of the post to take you to my flickr page where you can see this in a bigger size
Click on the title of the post to take you to my flickr page where you can see this in a bigger size
JOURNEYS ON THE BUS - 1) Molly's Story: People Watching
Molly was sitting in her usual spot on the top deck of the bus. In the middle, on the left side where she could get the best view of the pavement and shops as the bus rumbled by. She loved people watching. She loved making up stories in her head for the various people she saw, creating a back story for the most interesting characters. She had grown used to seeing some of them – the old lady who fed pigeons in the park, the young girl who skipped down the street hand in hand with her dad, the group of teenagers swinging on the railings by the church. Their absence was noted and a feeling of unease would settle, only to disperse at the return of these familiar faces.
Today was no different to any other day really except that Molly had more time to people watch due to traffic works. It was rush hour and Molly was pleased to be sitting after a busy day in the office. The sun was beginning to set but still cast a warm glow over the city. Everything was tinted with a peach hue that made Molly feel almost warm and fuzzy inside and brought a smile to her face.
Traffic had slowed to a crawl, almost stopped in fact. The bus was nearing the old Penham House; an abandoned double-fronted, three storey monstrosity surrounded by a high wall and old, decaying trees. The area it was situated in had once been affluent however was now home to the many families living under the poverty line that lived in the city. There were signs that people were trying to improve the area despite their lack of means – a freshly painted door here, a brand new garden wall there – but the Penham House remained like a blot on the cityscape. The setting sun added a much needed warmth to the old stonework where the trees allowed the light into the plot but it retained it's air of barely hidden resentment.
Molly had always been fascinated with the house. It was rumoured that it had been boarded up after the wealthy occupiers died in mysterious circumstances but now, there was a sign in bright red proclaiming that it had been sold and the hoardings had been removed from the sash windows to reveal peeling, dark brown painted frames. Molly was eager to see if anything had changed in the 24 hours since she had seen the house as on her journey to work earlier that day, she had caught sight of a white transit van pulling into the driveway. Her mind had conjured up images of renovation and restoration. She was looking forward to seeing the changes.
As the bus bumped it's way forward another couple of feet, it came almost level with the house and Molly was granted the perfect view of the building between the trees. The painted black door was flanked by stone columns at either side that supported a balcony with wrought iron railings. There was a French window that Molly thought would have given a lovely view of the street back when the house was built as it used to face a small park. The park was long gone, turned over to a building developer who had managed to squeeze 12 one-bedroomed flats in a space barely big enough for half that many decent sized properties.
Molly was gazing at the house, letting her imagination wander through wallpaper prints, colour schemes and textile patterns when movement caught her eye. Through the French door, she could see what looked like a figure but, due to the distance and lack of light, it didn't look like more than a shadow. It was gesturing, arms moving in aggressive cutting movements as if arguing with some unseen person. It took a step back and Molly realised that it was a woman. She could make out a ponytail and a feminine silhouette.
The woman shook her head vehemently, folded her arms and turned away from whomever she was arguing with. The bus bumped forward another couple of feet and Molly could no longer see the French window due to the dense leaves. She wondered who the woman was, who she was arguing with and why. As she pondered these things, the bus moved forward and managed to travel a good few feet to the point where Molly could once again see the house. She could no longer see the woman because her line of sight had changed but she could see another figure in the house. The broad shoulders told her it was a man. He reached out an arm, just out of sight and pulled it back quickly, pulling the woman into Molly's view. The woman fought against him, but he caught her wrists and pinned them behind her back. His face drew close to hers and Molly could almost hear the venom coming from him although she could not see his lips move. His body language screamed anger. He pushed the woman away, out of sight and left the room. A few moments passed before Molly saw the woman, walking into shot and tentatively peaking around a door frame, before the man was back in view, pushing the woman back, one arm raised above his head before he brought it brutally down on her skull. Drops of red liquid hit the French windows. The woman dropped to the floor partly out of sight, the man following her down until he was crouched over her, arm raised above his head again. Molly could not see the woman from the waist up but she could see the man's arm arc over and over again, bringing whatever was in his hand down, smashing into the unfortunate woman.
Molly started to will the bus to move. She was sure she had gasped in horror when the man initially attacked but when she looked at the other passengers, they seemed not to have noticed. The teenage boy listening to his iPod stared blankly ahead, head nodding slightly to the beat. A teenage girl twirled a length of hair between her fingers as she snapped gum, engrossed in a celebrity magazine. A young mother was trying to control her toddler and stop him from running up and down the aisle.
Molly didn't know what to do. She had her mobile on her, she could call the police. But would they believe her? She started to root around in her bag but, as per usual, it was somewhere under the mountain of junk she carried around. She glanced up at the window to see the man standing there, staring out the window. She could see that he had dark hair, a blue shirt with uneven dark patches and grey trousers, also dark in places due to the blood. Lots of blood. And he was looking right at her.
The bus jerked into life and pulled away.
Please click on the title of this post to be taken to the Newbiggin Creative Writers Website
Today was no different to any other day really except that Molly had more time to people watch due to traffic works. It was rush hour and Molly was pleased to be sitting after a busy day in the office. The sun was beginning to set but still cast a warm glow over the city. Everything was tinted with a peach hue that made Molly feel almost warm and fuzzy inside and brought a smile to her face.
Traffic had slowed to a crawl, almost stopped in fact. The bus was nearing the old Penham House; an abandoned double-fronted, three storey monstrosity surrounded by a high wall and old, decaying trees. The area it was situated in had once been affluent however was now home to the many families living under the poverty line that lived in the city. There were signs that people were trying to improve the area despite their lack of means – a freshly painted door here, a brand new garden wall there – but the Penham House remained like a blot on the cityscape. The setting sun added a much needed warmth to the old stonework where the trees allowed the light into the plot but it retained it's air of barely hidden resentment.
Molly had always been fascinated with the house. It was rumoured that it had been boarded up after the wealthy occupiers died in mysterious circumstances but now, there was a sign in bright red proclaiming that it had been sold and the hoardings had been removed from the sash windows to reveal peeling, dark brown painted frames. Molly was eager to see if anything had changed in the 24 hours since she had seen the house as on her journey to work earlier that day, she had caught sight of a white transit van pulling into the driveway. Her mind had conjured up images of renovation and restoration. She was looking forward to seeing the changes.
As the bus bumped it's way forward another couple of feet, it came almost level with the house and Molly was granted the perfect view of the building between the trees. The painted black door was flanked by stone columns at either side that supported a balcony with wrought iron railings. There was a French window that Molly thought would have given a lovely view of the street back when the house was built as it used to face a small park. The park was long gone, turned over to a building developer who had managed to squeeze 12 one-bedroomed flats in a space barely big enough for half that many decent sized properties.
Molly was gazing at the house, letting her imagination wander through wallpaper prints, colour schemes and textile patterns when movement caught her eye. Through the French door, she could see what looked like a figure but, due to the distance and lack of light, it didn't look like more than a shadow. It was gesturing, arms moving in aggressive cutting movements as if arguing with some unseen person. It took a step back and Molly realised that it was a woman. She could make out a ponytail and a feminine silhouette.
The woman shook her head vehemently, folded her arms and turned away from whomever she was arguing with. The bus bumped forward another couple of feet and Molly could no longer see the French window due to the dense leaves. She wondered who the woman was, who she was arguing with and why. As she pondered these things, the bus moved forward and managed to travel a good few feet to the point where Molly could once again see the house. She could no longer see the woman because her line of sight had changed but she could see another figure in the house. The broad shoulders told her it was a man. He reached out an arm, just out of sight and pulled it back quickly, pulling the woman into Molly's view. The woman fought against him, but he caught her wrists and pinned them behind her back. His face drew close to hers and Molly could almost hear the venom coming from him although she could not see his lips move. His body language screamed anger. He pushed the woman away, out of sight and left the room. A few moments passed before Molly saw the woman, walking into shot and tentatively peaking around a door frame, before the man was back in view, pushing the woman back, one arm raised above his head before he brought it brutally down on her skull. Drops of red liquid hit the French windows. The woman dropped to the floor partly out of sight, the man following her down until he was crouched over her, arm raised above his head again. Molly could not see the woman from the waist up but she could see the man's arm arc over and over again, bringing whatever was in his hand down, smashing into the unfortunate woman.
Molly started to will the bus to move. She was sure she had gasped in horror when the man initially attacked but when she looked at the other passengers, they seemed not to have noticed. The teenage boy listening to his iPod stared blankly ahead, head nodding slightly to the beat. A teenage girl twirled a length of hair between her fingers as she snapped gum, engrossed in a celebrity magazine. A young mother was trying to control her toddler and stop him from running up and down the aisle.
Molly didn't know what to do. She had her mobile on her, she could call the police. But would they believe her? She started to root around in her bag but, as per usual, it was somewhere under the mountain of junk she carried around. She glanced up at the window to see the man standing there, staring out the window. She could see that he had dark hair, a blue shirt with uneven dark patches and grey trousers, also dark in places due to the blood. Lots of blood. And he was looking right at her.
The bus jerked into life and pulled away.
Please click on the title of this post to be taken to the Newbiggin Creative Writers Website
Sunday, 14 February 2010
The 365 Challenge #1
Today was the celebrations for the Chinese New Year. While waiting for the other Flickr peeps, I took a couple of shots with my little compact. I'm pretty happy with this one especially with the strong contrast between the light coming in the window and the shadows cast by the chairs.

All in all, a good start to the 365 Challenge!! Only 364 go go... eeeek!
All in all, a good start to the 365 Challenge!! Only 364 go go... eeeek!
Friday, 12 February 2010
Tell a Story in 3 Shots.
The first challenge for my flickr group was to tell a story in 3 pictures.
My original idea had been to try and convey the saying "No use crying over spilt milk". I was going to do this by having a bottle of milk and empty glass in the first shot, a glass of milk on it's side (with the milk all over the bench) and then my boyfriend's nephew crying in the last shot. There were some problems with doing this though. The most obvious one being that I wasn't allowed to poke the child to make him cry and, as he's a happy child most of the time, it would be hard to get a really good shot of him crying..... Aaaaaand then there was the mess that comes with deliberately spilling a glass of milk on a kitchen worktop. In theory, it would have worked well as the worktops are black marble effect and the white milk would have contrasted nicely but still... I didn't want to clean it up.
So after treating myself to some tulips, I came up with this idea:-

I wanted to convey the life of a bunch of flowers and tried to use editing to help show the withering and lack of vitality towards the end. I think it worked well in the last two shots but the first seems just a little too vibrant. It doesn't seem to match the other two shots which is partly due to it being shot at night by artificial light while the other two were shot today in natural light. However, this is how we learn.
My original idea had been to try and convey the saying "No use crying over spilt milk". I was going to do this by having a bottle of milk and empty glass in the first shot, a glass of milk on it's side (with the milk all over the bench) and then my boyfriend's nephew crying in the last shot. There were some problems with doing this though. The most obvious one being that I wasn't allowed to poke the child to make him cry and, as he's a happy child most of the time, it would be hard to get a really good shot of him crying..... Aaaaaand then there was the mess that comes with deliberately spilling a glass of milk on a kitchen worktop. In theory, it would have worked well as the worktops are black marble effect and the white milk would have contrasted nicely but still... I didn't want to clean it up.
So after treating myself to some tulips, I came up with this idea:-
I wanted to convey the life of a bunch of flowers and tried to use editing to help show the withering and lack of vitality towards the end. I think it worked well in the last two shots but the first seems just a little too vibrant. It doesn't seem to match the other two shots which is partly due to it being shot at night by artificial light while the other two were shot today in natural light. However, this is how we learn.
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Okies, the 365 starts on 14th February 2010. I have my little compact camera now to carry around with me and I have been scribbling down ideas that I can do in the house or near to where I live should I be unable to come up with a shot while out and about.
I'm looking forward to it. I don't want it to be just snapshots so will have to think creatively and make a bog standard shot of a household item a little different to include it in the 365. I am hoping to use the 365 as a chance to improve both my technical skills and my editing skills. We'll see.
I probably won't be able to upload a shot a day so will try and upload once a week. I certainly will be taking a shot a day for it though.
If anyone wants to see my other photos, then please head to my flickr page:-
I think that as well as improving my photography, the 365 is a challenge which sounds quite easy to complete but may be harder to actually do. I have been thinking about doing it for a while when I realised I was getting bored with photography. I have lots of photos in my archive waiting to be edited but there wasn't really any challenge in getting them. I used to go and just take snaps without really thinking too much.
When I was given a 50mm lens for Christmas, it sparked my interest in photography again. It's quite a challenge to get it perfectly in focus without auto-focus to rely on. Especially when you're as impatient as me.
Looking for more to get my teeth into, I set up a group on Flickr where people can take part in a challenge a month. This month, the challenge is "Tell a Story in 3 Shots". You can read more about it and the rules at Flickr:-
I would discuss my idea for my "story" here but I never know which Flickerites will be reading.... Dave... lol
It feels strange to use this blog again because I have another one on a different blog site and on there, I write quite freely about the things that are happening in my day-to-day life, as well as sharing photos and my writing.
I am part of a community on that blog site but here, I'm a stranger. I think I found it harder to integrate myself on this site and therefore left this one and tried the other one. So we'll see how it goes this time around!
I'm looking forward to it. I don't want it to be just snapshots so will have to think creatively and make a bog standard shot of a household item a little different to include it in the 365. I am hoping to use the 365 as a chance to improve both my technical skills and my editing skills. We'll see.
I probably won't be able to upload a shot a day so will try and upload once a week. I certainly will be taking a shot a day for it though.
If anyone wants to see my other photos, then please head to my flickr page:-
I think that as well as improving my photography, the 365 is a challenge which sounds quite easy to complete but may be harder to actually do. I have been thinking about doing it for a while when I realised I was getting bored with photography. I have lots of photos in my archive waiting to be edited but there wasn't really any challenge in getting them. I used to go and just take snaps without really thinking too much.
When I was given a 50mm lens for Christmas, it sparked my interest in photography again. It's quite a challenge to get it perfectly in focus without auto-focus to rely on. Especially when you're as impatient as me.
Looking for more to get my teeth into, I set up a group on Flickr where people can take part in a challenge a month. This month, the challenge is "Tell a Story in 3 Shots". You can read more about it and the rules at Flickr:-
I would discuss my idea for my "story" here but I never know which Flickerites will be reading.... Dave... lol
It feels strange to use this blog again because I have another one on a different blog site and on there, I write quite freely about the things that are happening in my day-to-day life, as well as sharing photos and my writing.
I am part of a community on that blog site but here, I'm a stranger. I think I found it harder to integrate myself on this site and therefore left this one and tried the other one. So we'll see how it goes this time around!
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